Uncovering Hidden Talent in Your Team

Research indicates a growing skills gap in today’s workplace, with 87% of companies reporting that they already face this issue or expect to soon, according to McKinsey. While much of this demand for new skills is driven by technological innovations like AI, organizational shifts also play a significant role. A recent Gallup study revealed that 64% of managers added new responsibilities to employees’ roles in 2023, 51% restructured teams, and 42% had to adjust to budget cuts.

In response, many companies are investing significant resources in hiring new talent, while others are postponing projects due to budget constraints and hiring freezes. Both approaches slow down productivity and organizational progress. Instead of searching externally or waiting for the budget to expand your team, why not unlock the full potential of the talent you already have?

Your employees are dynamic individuals with skills that may not surface in their daily tasks. As a leader, you have the unique opportunity to uncover these hidden skills, help your employees grow, and increase your team’s overall productivity.

How Can You Uncover Hidden Talent?

1. Dig Deeper

When one of your employees excels in a project, take time to understand how they approached problem-solving. Ask questions like “What was the biggest challenge in this project?” or “How did you overcome that obstacle?” Their answers might reveal valuable skills beneath the surface. For example, if they used a design tool to visualize processes effectively, it could indicate a knack for visual storytelling. From there, you can think about ways to further develop and apply that skill in future projects.

2. Identify Patterns

Pay attention to the types of tasks your team gravitates towards. Some may enjoy organizing complex workflows, others may shine in creative problem-solving, and some may excel at resource management. Understanding these preferences helps you leverage each person’s unique strengths and passions.

3. Get to Know Your Team Personally

Your employees’ work is just one aspect of who they are. Take the time to get to know them personally and learn about their interests outside of the workplace. These insights might reveal hidden talents such as creativity, leadership, or discipline. For instance, someone who enjoys painting at home might have an eye for design, or a team member training for a marathon could possess resilience and strong time management skills.

4. Use Creative Methods to Uncover Skills

Managing a team often means that uncovering unique strengths outside of their day-to-day work isn’t easy. Consider having your team take a strengths assessment like the Gallup StrengthsFinder or Myers-Briggs. According to a study in the Journal of Organizational Behavior, these assessments can provide critical insights into untapped abilities. Use one-on-one sessions to explore the results further and uncover how these strengths can be applied to new challenges within your organization.

5. Set Skills Development Goals

According to Deloitte, 73% of workers believe skills-based practices would improve their work experience. Simply identifying talents isn’t enough—managers must create opportunities to further develop these skills. Ask your employees to set specific goals for skill development, encouraging them to find new applications for their strengths. Employees with career development goals are four times more likely to engage in learning than those without, according to the LinkedIn Workplace Learning Report.


Skills play a vital role in how organizations define work, deploy talent, and manage careers. According to Deloitte, 89% of executives believe skills will shape the future of work. Great managers don’t just spot potential; they uncover hidden skills within their team members and offer opportunities for growth. By doing this, you’ll build a more dynamic, future-ready team without needing to search externally for talent.

Discover Skills Gaps with 8vance’s Technology

Identifying and leveraging hidden skills can be challenging. That’s where 8vance’s advanced matching technology comes in. Our platform maps skills gaps using over 12,000 skills, providing deep insights into your team’s strengths and areas for growth. This allows you to strategically invest in employee development and boost team productivity.

Join Our Exclusive Roadshow Events

Want to see how 8vance can help your organization identify hidden talent and bridge skills gaps? Join us at one of our seven upcoming events, where we will showcase our new functionalities and demonstrate how you can apply them in your organization.
