Interview Laurens Waling HR Praktijk

‘What do you mean labor market shortage? It’s bursting with talent that is not being used properly’ – Cut work into tasks and distribute them meaningfully

HR Praktijk – 11 september 2023

Laurens Waling of 8vance likes nothing better than to liberate “stuck change agents” so that they really unlock their talent. That way you can greatly reduce the number of bullshit jobs: redistribute tasks so that everyone uses their skills. His main lesson if you organize your department/business this way: ‘getting stuck in change is normal’ so stay calm, don’t run away and analyze the root cause. Read more…

Labor market crisis to be solved with AI

Emerce – 11 augustus 2023

According to Laurens Waling of 8vance, there doesn’t have to be a tight labor market at all. According to him, the solution lies in deep-matching people with AI on skills, even across fields. How 8vance thus helps people navigate from so-called bull shit jobs to more meaningful jobs. He explains why we need to make a fundamental shift in thinking. Why we need a ‘softer system’ in which people dare to make more risky choices. AND how deep-matching with AI can benefit you as a corporate recruiter or HR director. Read more…

How A.I. can solve perceived workforce shortage

Werf& – Peter Boerman – 25 augustus 2023

In this way, A.I. has “the ability to point people to their hidden potential, their skills, ambitions and possibilities of which they were previously unaware,” according Laurens Waling, Chief Evangelist of 8vance, the A.I. scale-up that looks at so-called transferable skills via ingenious statistical analysis, and uses them to calculate how often people transfer from one job to another. “>Read more…

In het kader van het AWVN-jaarcongres over de toekomst van werk interviewde AWVN Laurens Waling (2018)

New Chief Evangelist 8vance guest on Recruitment Tech Monthly – 23 januari 2023

Laurens Waling is the new Chief Evangelist of AI scale-up 8vance and a guest in the first Recruitment Tech Monthly episode of 2023. Waling: “I am blown-away of possibilities. My mission is to give these possibilities the greatest possible exposure.” Read more…

Talent Mobility Evangelist Laurens Waling moves to 8vance

Emerce – 19 januari 2023

8vance is proud to welcome Laurens Waling as a new member of its management team. The fast-growing AI scale-up is the only one in the Netherlands to offer a skills-based matching platform, but the capabilities of its technology are still relatively unknown. As Marketing Director and Chief Evangelist of 8vance, Laurens will now change that. Laurens founded Part-up in 2014, as a solution to share work within large organizations. He sold the company last year and is now going to work for the market leader. Read more…

Webinar Hague Brook: matching supply and demand in healthcare

Haagse Beek – 3 april 2020

How do you organize work at lightning speed in a crisis situation? Part-up has a different way of organizing for this, which they applied in five hospitals in recent weeks. They worked around the clock. Matching between task and employee went from twenty minutes to one minute. Laurens Waling talks about it. View the broadcast…

Op 16 november 2017 om 17:35 was Laurens Waling live op Radio 1 bij Nieuws en Co om te praten over de toekomst van werk en de platformeconomie naar aanleiding van zijn bijdrage in de Tweede Kamer vandaag.

Day internship with Laurens Waling of Part-up

Koneksa Mondo – 5 december 2019

Ever since 2016, I have been following the developments of Part-up, a platform to organize work differently. I even created an account there but must honestly confess that I haven’t done much else with it. When Laurens Waling, one of the founders of Part-up, suggested on a LinkedIn message that I spend a day as an intern at his company, I didn’t have to think long. Nice to take a look behind the scenes at a startup, especially if the startup focuses on a theme that I am also involved in myself, talent development and organizing differently. Read more…

Home office must go into the field

Binnenlands Bestuur – 26 october 2018

The Ministry of the Interior wants to become more agile and open to ideas from citizens, external specialists and startups. To make that happen, civil servants need to work together differently. And in doing so, be given space from above. Read more…

Laurens Waling op NPO Radio 1 – Bij De Kwartiermakers

Laurens Waling (Part-up): “We are the marketplace for teamwork”

MarketingFacts – 29 august 2016

Although in many ways the world looks very different from 50 years ago, in many cases the way work is organized has barely changed. Very often, a permanent job, hierarchical relationships and a boss are still the norm. Despite the growing group of self-employed people. Part Up wants to change that. “We are a marketplace for teamwork. So if you have an idea of what a team needs, or multiple team players, you put it on our site and we match you with team members from inside and outside your organization.” Read more…

Interview Laurens Waling op BNR New Business Radio

Part-up goes for the new collaboration

Computable – 22 september 2016

An online marketplace for teamwork, that’s what the start-up Part-up from The Hague offers. The algorithm searches for the best match between team members and projects. For founder Laurens Waling, this is just a start. He wants to make Part-up a complete swarm-resourcing solution. Read more…

Laurens Waling: Mobilize the Swarm with Part-up

Nieuw organiseren – 03 december 2015

On Sept. 18, Part-up was launched: a marketplace for temporary project teams. Do you want to organize something and are looking for the right team to do so? Then you can now turn to Part-up for that. Read more…